By the end of Year 1 your child should be able to:
- Move safely and confidently on the apparatus and be aware of others
- Know and name actions and body parts that are being used to travel and balance on
- Understand through actions the following concepts: on, under, over, around, off, along, through, beside, next to, in between, in front of, at the end
- Link and repeat movements together
- Jump on the floor and off low apparatus landing safely
- Throw a variety of equipment at a range of targets e.g. beanbag into a hoop
- Apply simple rules to different activities
- Talk about how their body feels during exercise
- Travel in different ways and different direction
- Hold a start and finishing position
- Use movements to communicate and express ideas and feelings
- Describe movements that they and others have performed
By the end of Year 2 your child should be able to:
- Perform a variety of jumps on the floor, on and off apparatus and land with control
- Balance in different ways and hold body still
- Show different ways of travelling, turning, rolling
- Create and perform short sequences showing contrasts in direction, level and speed
- Perform a range of basic actions on the apparatus with confidence and control
- Throw, catch , bounce, roll, kick - with control
- Plan and play simple competitive games
- Use simple tactics for attacking and defending
- Describe how they can improve their and others’ performances
- Recognise and describe how their body feels during different games activities
- Link actions such as travelling, jumping, turning, gesturing, stillness together into a short movement phrase with control
- Move rhythmically and in time with different music
- Respond to a range of stimuli including those from different times and cultures e.g. poems, musical instruments, pictures