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By the end of Year One children should be able to hold a short simple conversation in French as well as:-

  • Count up to 20
  • Understand and use some simple expressions/ questions eg bonjour, très bien, Comment ça-va? Quel âge as-tu?      Comment t’appelles-tu?
  • Name simple classroom objects eg la table, la chaise.
  • Say please and thank you.
  • Say a colour when asked the question - C’est quelle couleur?
  • Say short phrases to express personal preferences eg J’aime le rouge mais je n’aime pas le vert.

By the end of Year Two children should be able to hold a simple conversation in French as well as:-

  • Count up to 30.
  • Answer questions in a short sentence - eg J’ai sept ans.
  • Name the days of the week.
  • Know the words for members of their family.
  • Know the words for some food and be able to say what they like and do not like in a simple sentence.
  • Use vocabulary they have learnt to make interesting sentences eg J’aime la pomme. La pomme est rouge.
  • Listen to a simple conversation and understand the ‘gist’ of what is being said.