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By the end of Year 1 your child should be able to:

Perform: Singing

  • Sing more in tune and more in time to the beat with musical accompaniment.
  • Sing songs in different styles including chants and rhymes.
  • Co-ordinate actions with a song.
  • Explore different sounds made by their voice and hands.

Perform: Instruments

  • Play percussion instruments in time to a steady beat.
  • Play loudly, quietly, fast and slow.
  • Play a simple 4 beat pattern on the chime bars.
  • Play a simple 4 beat pattern in time as part of a group.


  • Choose musical sound effects to follow a story line.
  • Sequence symbols or Stave House rhythm characters to make a simple structure.


  • Listen to a piece of music and move in time to a steady beat.
  • Recognise the sound of some percussion instruments and name them.
  • Listen to a rhythm pattern and identify a crotchet and semibreve.


  • Identify some simple similarities between 2 rhythm patterns.
  • With support identify where a semibreve is played in a short pattern of notes.
  • Use musical terms louder/quieter, faster/slower, higher/lower.
  • Begin to articulate how changes in speed, pitch and dynamics affect the mood of the music.                                                                             

By the end of Year 2 your child should be able to:

Perform: Singing

  • Sing a variety of songs with more accuracy of pitch
  • Sing a range of songs in different styles with the words sung clearly and beginning to convey different moods to reflect the meaning of the song.
  • Echo sing in response to a short melodic phrase sung to them.
  • With adult support sing in a round or in unison with another group.

Perform: Instruments

  • Play percussion instruments in time to a steady beat and understand how to play faster or slower with control.
  • Play a simple 8 beat pattern on the chime bars or recorder.
  • Play a simple 8 beat pattern in time as part of a group.
  • Follow standard notation for notes B, A and G.

Explore and Compose:

  • Compose a short melodic piece using the notes B, A and G.
  • Sequence Stave House rhythm characters to make a simple structure including crotchets, minims, quavers and semibreves.

Listen, Reflect and Appraise:

  • Listen to music with increased concentration.
  • Recognise the sound of percussion instruments and name them.
  • Listen to a rhythm pattern and identify a crotchet, minim, quaver and semibreve.
  • Identify similarities and differences between 2 simple rhythm patterns played on an instrument.
  • Identify different qualities of sound such as smooth, scratchy, clicking, ringing (timbre).
  • Recognise and respond to the mood of a piece of music.